Student Christian Movement Singapore
About Us


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So, what's that about us that needs such a fanfare introduction? In fact, we are quite ordinary, with ordinary likes such as going to the movies, enjoying kopi-o (milo, as in the case of some members) with kaya toast, or surfing the net. But, out of this ordinariness, we are different in one way...

We aspire to live a life akin to the life of Jesus, with awareness and compassion. Thus, as SCMers, we are concerned about relating our faith to the way we live our lives and to the practical issues of today's world. Our objective is thus, to motivate young adults and students to an arena of social awareness, and compassion towards all people living in the margin. This is where we hope, all youths and students will be able to look gently at the society, with a critical yet mindful and compassionate eye.

SCM-Singapore Contact

Student Christian Movement of Singapore
Singapore Christian Conference 
210 Kamong Arang
Singapore 438179

Tel: (65)6 3466818

SCM-Singapore is affliated to the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) which has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and has a consultative status with UNESCO. There are six regional groupings under WSCF, and SCM-Singapore is under the regional group of WSCF-Asia Pacific (WSCF-AP) in Hong Kong.