About Us
Why X-venturers?
The letter X has many folded meanings.
X-venturer sounds like “adventurer”. And that is who we are . We love adventure and
take on any challenging feats that are beyond your imagination.
X-venturer can be taken as cross-venturer. And that is what we do from cycling, canoeing,
trekking, rock-climbing and the list is in-exhaustive.
X means unknown.
And that is our spirit.....
To roam, to venture and to explore the unknown. To try and to experience things we have
not done before.
And last but not least, we believe a true X-venturer must possess the X factors ~ the love
for nature, zeal for adventure, determination to conquer, the spirit of fun and the
enthusiasm to learn and to grow.
But exactly who are we?
The X-venturer is an adventure sub-committee at Bedok Community Centre. It is a non-profit organization, running outdoor activities for the members under the umbrella of People Association in Singapore.
So, what are our objectives and visions?
Well, we, the X-venturer, believe in organising challenging, enjoyable, yet safety activities
to reach out to the youths in the society. We would like to nurture and groom the youth to
be independent, confident and rugged leader of the future. Finally, we hope to encourage
volunteers in youth in participating in our activites.
Our vision is to see this sub-committee developing into an adventurer club where we can
gather people of the same interest. It will serve as an information centre whereby we can
equip our members with valuable information and tips on outdoor adventure activities
and back-packing. Also, we hope to have our own leadership courses to train our young
Make a difference in your life.
Join us
Who are the X-venturers?
Committee Members
Abigail Koh - (Adventure Secretary/Chairperson)
Special Project Committee
Peng ChewMay (Trekking)
Stanley Lai (Cycling and Trekking)
Helena (Trekking)
Abigail (Seasports)
Jeffrey (Rock-climbing)
Jeremy (Cycling)
Maynard (Trekking & Ad-hoc Projects)
Trosper Lim (Trekking)
Ken (Logistics)
How to join us?
If you are interested to be part of the organising committee, join us!
Simply e-mail us yr particulars and make an appointment with us.
We will like to know you better and understand how you can be part of the family.
Criteria: Have to be a Bedok CC Youth member.
Where can you find us?
The X-venturer
Bedok Community Centre
850, Upper Changi Road
Singapore 467352
Tel: 4425317
Fax: 4438086
E-mail: adventure_xventurer@yahoo.com